TeamSnap Tutorials

Team Registration 
(Completed by Team Representative or Coach)
  1. Accessing the TeamSnap Registration
  2. Adding Team Information
  3. Manually Entering Roster Player Information
  4. Entering Roster Information By Upload
  5. Entering or Deleting Player Information
  6. Entering Players Not on Official League Rosters
  7. 12th Grade Code of Conduct Form
  8. Waivers and Agreements
  9. Checking Out to Complete the Registration Process
  10. Updating Information After Initial Registration
Player Registration 
(Completed by adult players or parent/guardian of minor players)
  1. Player Registration Process
  2. Declining Invitation to Participate
  3. Accepting Invitation to Participate
Team Management 
(Completed by Team Representative or Coach who registered team)
  1. Team Management
  2. Manage Roster
  3. Resending Player Invitation
  4. View/Edit Information/a>
  5. Deleting a Player
  6. Adding a Player
  7. Printing Roster
  8. 12th Grade Code of Conduct
  9. Scheduling Conflicts
  10. Order Information and Receipts
  11. Logging Out